The Suicide Cultures site contains news and information about the Suicide Cultures: Reimagining Suicide Research project, funded by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award.
You'll also find news about related projects on suicide and self-harm, such as:
- Suicide in/as Politics (2020-2024), funded by a Leverhulme Trust Project Grant, led by Amy Chandler and Ana Jordan, University of Lincoln, with Research Associates Hazel Marzetti (Edinburgh) and Alex Oaten (Lincoln).

The Suicide Cultures blog features posts about the project, written by members of the research team & associates.
Recent posts include:
What, suicide runs in families? - by Kelly Stewart
‘Unforeseeable’ and ‘inevitable’: Constructions of prison suicide in Scotland’s Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiries - by Rebecca Helman
Insights from the field: Learning from our qualitative research on suicide in Scotland - by Joe Anderson
Reflections on the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) Conference 2023 - by Sarah Huque
Socially compassionate responses to suicide: A contribution to the Time, Space, Compassion approach - by Rebecca Helman
Working through the ethics of 'Suicide Cultures': Part I 'in good faith' - by Sarah Huque
Staying Alive: risk, resistance and responses to LGBT+ suicide, by Hazel Marzetti
What does it mean to investigate suicide cultures? by Joe Anderson

Suicide Cultures: Reimagining Research is a 5 year, qualitative study, using multiple methods. The research aims to better understand suicide in Scotland, focusing on social and cultural factors.
The project team have been working since 2021 across diverse regions and communities in Scotland, in order to develop a detailed and nuanced picture of how suicide affects and is understood in different places, by different people.
Suicide Cultures Recent and Upcoming Presentations

Sarah Huque presented at 'Learning Across Death Investigations: A SAFESOC dissemination and network building event' in September 2024 in Manchester.
Joe Anderson presented 'Rethinking the Emotional Labyrinth of Suicide: An analytical metaphor for understanding grief and suicide' at the 8th Suicide and Self-Harm Early & Mid-Career Researchers Forum in Glasgow in June 2024.
Rebecca Helman presented at the Inspiring Narratives, Weaving Stories Conference at the University of Westminster in London in May 2024.
Suicide Cultures Team presented ‘Jarring Narratives: Discomfort, disruption and dominant explanations of suicide’ at the 8th Suicide and Self-Harm Early & Mid-Career Researchers Forum in Glasgow in June 2024.
Amy Chandler presented in the First Thursday Seminar Series, hosted by the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry at the University of Edinburgh. A summary and link to the talk can be found here.
In June 2023, as well as organising our Suicide Cultures Conference, the team attended and presented at the Suicide and Self-harm Early-Mid Career Researcher Forum in Glasgow, where Amy gave a keynote.
Rebecca Helman attended the 9th Qualitative Research in Mental Health conference in Budapest, where she shared some early analysis and thinking around the concepts of social disconnection, loneliness and social exclusion.
In September, several members of the team are attending the International Association for Suicide Prevention World Congress, in Piran.
The Suicide Cultures Podcast features researchers Joe Anderson, Rebecca Helman and Sarah Huque in conversation with each other, or with special guests, discussing suicide-related topics from a range of perspectives.
The podcast is designed to take our conversations about suicide to a broader audience, and to involve people with different types of experience and expertise in these.
You can listen to the podcast via Spotify, and see notes and summaries of all our shows so far over on the blog.
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